- All prices are subject to change.
- Payment is due in FULL at the time you place your order. Payments are accepted via PayPal and Venmo.
- Personal checks and money orders are not accepted.
- The checkout and website are secure, and I never have access to your payment information.
- You will be provided with an opportunity to enter coupon codes at checkout.
- For custom made embellishments and highly customized mums, PLEASE ORDER EARLY.
- Purchases made in person may be paid for in cash or PayPal/Venmo.
- 8.25% Texas sales tax will be added to all purchases made online (for Texas addresses), in person or by phone.
Pick Up:
- Pickup is in Lakeway TX.
- Mum and Garter Pick Up Day is WEDNESDAY the week of your homecoming. You will receive, via email, pickup details including time and address when your homecoming order is completed.
- Delivery is NOT available.
All customer information that is collected is used ONLY for the purposes related to your transaction. I do NOT ever share any customer information.
Please contact me if you have any questions or need assistance,
Thank you,